Career News: I’ve accepted a position with Merged Media
I’m delighted to announce that I’ve accepted a position with Merged Media! Merged actually absorbed the operations of my company Barker Social earlier this year, along with my two wonderful team members Laura Barros and Jill Mitchell-Holmes. After deciding to leave my position, I was delighted to receive an offer from Todd and Jay at […]
Why Choose Cloud Campaign for Social Media Management?
Why Cloud Campaign? Cloud Campaign is the best social media management solution on the market. I’ve used close to a dozen platforms and researched dozens more and nothing compares to this forward-thinking system. Cloud Campaign does more than any other platform, but some of the features that set it apart really need to be seen […]
Barker Social Marketing absorbed by Merged Media Inc.
Congratulations and best of luck to Laura Barros and Jill Mitchell who are now officially engaged with Merged Media. Laura and Jill worked as part of my team at Barker Social Marketing for several years. Since I moved on to my new position at Dog and Pony Studios back in October, they’ve been carrying on the business without me. As of this week, the […]
Career News: I’ve accepted a position with Dog and Pony Studios
In one week I’ll be handing over the reigns of Barker Social Marketing to my amazing team mates, Laura Barros and Jill Mitchell-Holmes. On October 1st, I’ll start my new position as Account Manager with Dog and Pony Studios, a creative agency for financial institutions. I’m excited to start this new chapter!
Career News: Launch of Barker Social Marketing
New Spin on Social Media Marketing Shakes Up Industry FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Marketing Industry Gets a Shake Up with new Results-Driven Social Media Agency, Barker Social. Toronto, Ontario – August 18th, 2016 – Measurable results and a money back guarantee turn the traditional marketing industry on its head with the launch of Toronto’s new […]